- What We are and Do -

- Que somos y hacemos -

Una Doctrina Escritural Ideal para Tu SALVACION

Desde Mayo 2020, y debido a la pandemia ocacionada por el COVID 19 sacudiendo al mundo. Nosotros tomamos la palabra de Dios como un medio de salvacion, consolacion y Fe en Jesucristo quien ha prometido regresar otra vez y quien tambien dice que este tiempo esta cerca. Tomamos esta palabra y nos sumamos desde Weatherford-Yukon Oklahoma, USA. a aquellos que estan siguiendo y compartiendo su Fe en el evangelio de Jesus

A Scriptural Doctrine Ideal For Your SALVATION

Since 2020, and due to COVID-19 shocking the people of the world, we took the word of God as a means of salvation, consolation, and faith in He who has promised to come back again and who also says that this time is near. We took this word and we added ourselves from Weatherford-Yukon Oklahoma, U.S.A., to the people who are already following and sharing their faith in the gospel of Jesus.


Our Mission

For the purpose of establishing and maintaining a place for the worship of the one true God; to provide for Christian fellowship for those of like precious faith, irrespective of social position or worldly possessions; for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ both in-home and foreign lands.

Nuestra Mision

Para el proposito de el establecimiento y mantenimiento de un lugar de adoracion al unico y verdadero Dios; para proveer companerismo cristiano para aquellos que mantienen esta Fe en El no importando su posision social o estado economico; para la propagacion de el evangelio de Jesucristo aqui y a las naciones.


“Somos una Iglesia apostolica pentecostal y comprometida a llevar las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo reconociendo que para este tiempo Dios nos llamo.”

“We are an apostolic pentecostal church compromised to give the good news of Jesus Christ with the knowledge that he calls us for these times”


Lo que hemos logrado

  • El establecimiento de dos campos de predicacion el primero en Weatherford OK y el segundo en Yukon-OKC OK

  • El establecimiento de dos grupos celulares uno en Weatherford OK y el otro en Yukon-OKC

  • La celebracion de varios bautismos en agua y en el Espiritu Santo

What we have accomplished

  • The establishment of the 2 centers of worship, the first located in Weatherford, OK, and the second in Yukon, OK

  • The establishment of two Bible study groups located in both Weatherford, OK, and Yukon, OK.

  • The celebration of several baptisms in water and in the Holy Spirit